Rivers, D.J. (2024, November).Toward Society 5.0 and the development of STEAM problem solving competencies. Paper
presented at the 16th Asian Conference on Education (ACE2024), Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan.
Rivers, D.J. (2024, November).Assessing educational value in an active collaborative learning environment. Paper presented at the 17th Annual International Conference of Education, Research and
Innovation. Barceló Renacimiento Hotel, Sevilla, Spain.
Unser-Schutz, G. and Rivers, D.J.(2024,
October).The use of visual images in responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in Japanese municipal
newsletters. Paper presented at the Asian Congress for Media and Communication International Conference, Vietnam National University, Ho
Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Rivers, D.J. (2024, October).Manufacturing meaning in ghost hunting: Exploring multimodal pragmatics through
discursive psychology.Paper presented at
the 9th International Conference on Communication & Media Studies. Interamerican Open University, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Rivers, D.J., Unser-Schutz, G. and Nonaka,C.
(2024, October).Pandemic management in Japan and the United Kingdom: The psychology of COVID-19 and
the dangers of authoritarianism. Paper presented at the 14th International Conference on Health, Wellness & Society. Malmö University, Niagara, Malmö, Sweden.
Rivers, D.J. (2024, June).Rural cycling for sustainable development in the post-pandemic era.Paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Tourism & Leisure. Liverpool John Moores University,
Rivers, D.J. (2024, June).Systems information science and the ZWIFT virtual cycling platform: Community involvement and empowerment.Paper presented at the 15th International Conference on Sport
& Society. University of Granada,School of Education, Spain.
Rivers, D.J. (2024, March).Missed opportunities of the COVID-19 pandemic: Validating the Online Learning Appraisal Survey (OLAS). Paper presented at the 17th International Conference on e-Learning & Innovative Pedagogies. Polytechnic University of Valencia,
Valencia, Spain.
Rivers, D.J. (2024, January).Maintaining academic autonomy in communication studies: Countering the threat of Japanese nativist belief to English-as-a-medium of
instruction. Paper presented at the 9th IAFOR International Conference on Education in Hawaii. Hawaii Convention
Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States of America.
Rivers, D.J. (2023, November).The Online Learning Appraisal Survey (OLAS): Configuring education in the post-pandemic landscape. Paper
presented at the 16th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (iCERi). Barceló Renacimiento Hotel, Seville, Spain.
Rivers, D.J. (2023, November).The perceived affordance of COVID-19 online education: Mapping the role of personality and responses to stress.
Paper presented at the 16th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (iCERi). Barceló Renacimiento Hotel, Seville, Spain.
Rivers, D.J. (2023, November).The metaphorical dehumanization of political actors in cartoons. Paper
presented at the14th International Conference on the Image.San Jorge University,Zaragoza,
Rivers, D.J. and Vallance, M. (2023, November).Virtual reality in language learning materials design. Paper presented at the 16th Innovation in
Language Learning International Conference. Grand Hotel Mediterraneo, Florence, Italy.
Rivers, D.J.,Rudolph, N.,Unser-Schutz, G. and Nonaka, C. (2023, October).SARS-CoV-2 vaccine hesitancy and susceptibility to misinformation: The role of personality and national identity in
Japanese youth. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Japan Sociological Society. Rissho University, Tokyo, Japan.
Rivers, D.J., Unser-Schutz, G., Rudolph, N. and Nonaka, C. (2023, September).A national identity approach to SARS-CoV-2 vaccine hesitancy and susceptibility to misinformation in Japanese youth. Paper
presented at the 13th International Conference on Health, Wellness & Society. University of British Columbia, Robson Square, Vancouver, Canada.
Rivers, D.J. (2023, September).Safeguarding communication studies: Addressing the challenge of nativist belief in English as a foreign language education. Paper presented at the 8th International
Conference on Communication & Media Studies. Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain.
Rivers, D.J. (2022, April).Innovationinthephysiologicalanalysisofforeignlanguageeducationanxiety: TheSituation Specific Arousal Analyzer(SSAA). Paper presentedatthe
15th International Conferenceon E-Learning & Innovative
Pedagogies. National Changhua Universityof Education, Changhua,
Rivers, D.J. (2022, March).Thephysiologicalassessmentofsituationspecificanxietyineducation. Paper
presentedatthe 16th Annual International Technology, Educationand Development Conference (INTED). Hotel Melia Valencia, Valencia, Spain.
Rivers, D.J.andVallance,M. (2022,
March).Unconsciousincompetenceandresistancetoprofessionaldevelopmentin Japanesehighereducation. Paper presentedatthe 16th Annual
International Technology, Educationand Development Conference
(INTED). Hotel Melia Valencia, Valencia, Spain.
Rivers, D.J.andRoss, A.S.(2019, July).Deflectionasacommunicationstrategy: Acorpusanalysisof President Trump’sTwitterbehaviour. Paper
presentedatthe Australianand New Zealand Communication Association (ANZCA) Conference. Museumof Australian Democracy:
Old Parliament House, Canberra, Australia.
Ross, A.S.and Rivers, D.J. (2019, July).Theconflictinglogicsofclimatechangediscourse: Theinterplayofinternetmemesandmediaframes. Paper
presentedatthe Australianand New Zealand Communication Association (ANZCA) Conference. Museumof Australian Democracy:
Old Parliament House, Canberra, Australia.
Rivers, D.J. (2019, June).MotivationalaffordancesandICT designinanonlinesocialfitnessnetwork.Paper presented at
the 10th International Conference on Sport & Society. Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada.
Rivers, D.J. and Ross, A.S. (2018, September).Personalityanditsrolein L1/L2self-efficacybeliefs. Paper presented at the 13th University of Sydney TESOL Research
Network Colloquium.University Of Sydney, Australia.
Rivers, D.J. (2018, June).Discursive deflection: Accusation of fake news and the spread of mis- and dis-information in the Tweets of President
Trump. Paper presented at the Sociolinguistics Symposium 22. University of Auckland, New Zealand.
Rivers, D.J. (2017, November).Thesociointeractionalfunctionandvisiolinguisticformoftheinternetmeme: Acasestudyinmultimodalpoliticalparticipation. Paper presentedatthe48thAustralian Linguistics Society Conference.Universityof Sydney, Australia.
Rivers, D.J. (2017, March).Categorizationsofspeakerhood: Reconcilingthedamageandsearchingforsolutions. Paper presentedatthe American Associationfor Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Conference.Marriott Downtown Waterfront, Portland (OR), USA.
Yazan, B., Aneja, G., Park, G., Rivers, D.J.and Kubota, R. (2017, March).Privilegeandmarginalizationin Englishlanguageteaching: Beyondessentializationandidealization. Colloquium presentedatthe American Associationfor Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Conference.Marriott Downtown Waterfront, Portland (OR), USA.
Rivers, D.J. (2016, December).Theomnipresentother: Nationalidentityin Englishlanguagelearning. Paper presentedatthe 7th Centre For Language Studies International Conference (CLASIC).National Universityof Singapore, Singapore.
Rivers, D.J. (2016, August).Intergroupencountersin Englishlanguagelearning: Modelingtheimpactofnationalidentification. Paper presentedatthe Psychologyof Language Learning 2 (Pll2) International Conference.University Of Jyvaskyla, Jyvaskyla, Finland.
Rivers, D.J. (2016, August).Native-speakerismandtheconstructionofideologicaloppositiontothenative-speaker Englishteacher. Paper presentedatthe 26th European Second Language Association (EUROSLA) International Conference.Universityof Jyvaskyla, Jyvaskyla, Finland.
Rivers, D.J. (2015, December).Studentstorytellers: Hip-hoppedagogyandthereconfigurationof Englishascommunication. Paper presentedatthe International
Conferenceonthe Developmentof English Acrossthe Curriculum (EAC2015).Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Ross, A.S.and Rivers, D.J. (2015, November).Sharedterritory: Makingroomforemotionandcognitioninappliedlinguistics. Paper presentedatthe 4th
Combined Conferenceofthe Applied Linguistics Associationof Australia (ALAA),the Applied Linguistics Associationof New Zealand (ALANZ)andthe Associationfor Language Testingand Assessmentof
Australiaand New Zealand (ALTAANZ).Universityof South Australia, Adelaide,
Rivers, D.J.and Ross, A.S. (2015, November).Should welisten tostudents whodemandmative-speakerteachers?Paper presentedatthe 4th
Combined Conferenceofthe Applied Linguistics Associationof Australia (ALAA),the Applied Linguistics Associationof New Zealand (ALANZ)andthe Associationfor Language Testingand Assessmentof
Australiaand New Zealand (ALTAANZ).Universityof South Australia, Adelaide,
Rivers, D.J., Rajagopalan, K.and Liang, S. (2015, June).Beyondbifurcation: Languagespeakersascomplexindividuals.
Panel ppresentedatthe Sociolinguisticsof Globalization: (De)Centeringand (De)Standardization International
Conference.Universityof Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Ross, A.S.and Rivers, D.J. (2015, June).Australianhip-hop: Maintainingvoiceandrepresentingplace.
Paper presentedatthe Sociolinguisticsof Globalization: (De)Centeringand (De)Standardization International
Conference.Universityof Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Rivers, D.J. (2015, June).Thevalidity ofvictimhood innative andnon-nativediscourse.
Paper presentedatthe Sociolinguisticsof Globalization: (De)Centeringand (De)Standardization International
Conference.Universityof Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
Rivers, D.J. (2015, March).Discursiverepresentationsofthenativespeakerasqualificationforemployment. Paper presentedatthe American
Associationfor Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Conference.Fairmont Royal YorkHotel, Toronto, Canada.
Rivers, D.J. (2015, March).Speakerhoodstatus,institutionaldiscourseandvoicesfromtheinside: Anexplorationofthenative-speakercriterionandnative-speakerismin Japanesehighereducation. Plenary presentedatthe Centerfor EnglishasaLingua Franca Forum: Language Teachinginthe Asian Context.Tamagawa University, Tokyo, Japan.
Rivers, D.J. (2014, December).Thediscourseofdesireandsoughtafterskillsinlanguageteacherrecruitment. Paper presentedatthe6thCentrefor Language Studies International Conference (CLASIC).National Universityof Singapore, Singapore.
Houghton, S.A., Rivers, D.J., Hashimoto, K.and Kirkpatrick, A. (2014,
Constructingthevisionofthepost-native-speakeristlanguageteacher. Panel presentedatthe AILAWorld Congress 2014.Brisbane Convention &
Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, Australia.
Rivers, D.J. (2014, August).Narrativeexplorationsoftheburdenofspeakerhood. Paper
presentedat theAILAWorld Congress 2014.Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, Australia.
Rivers, D.J.and Ross, A.S. (2014,
March).Teaching Englishin Japan: Cognitiveappraisalsofraceandnative-speakerhood. Paper presentedatthe American
Associationfor Applied Linguistics (AAAL) 2014 Conference.Marriott Downtown Waterfront,
Portland (OR), USA.
Rajagopalan, K.and Rivers, D.J. (2013, September).Languageasapoliticalconstruct. Colloquium
presentedatthe7thAnnual International Free Linguistics Conference.Hong Kong Polytechnic University,
Hong Kong.
Rivers, D.J. (2013, June).Native-speakernecessityin TESOL: Enslavement,indoctrinationorlegitimatechoice?Paper presentedatthe7thAnnual International Free Linguistics Conference.Hong Kong Polytechnic University,
Hong Kong.
Rivers, D.J. (2013, June).Native-speakerdependency: Thevalidityofstudentpreference. Paper
presentedattheJapanese Association for Asian Englishes (JAFAE)32ndNational
Conference.Osaka University, Osaka, Japan.
Rivers, D.J. (2012, December).Thepropertiesandparametersofnative-speakerismin Japan. Keynote
presentedat the Japanese Association for Asian Englishes (JAFAE) 31st National Conference. Bunkyo Gakuin University, Tokyo, Japan.
Rivers, D.J. (2012, December).Theculturalcomplexitiesofnative-Englishspeakerteacheridentities. Paper presentedatthe5thCentrefor Language Studies International Conference (CLASIC).National Universityof Singapore, Singapore.
Rivers, D.J.and Ross, A.S. (2012, December).Racializeddimensionsofdesirable Englishlanguageteachersin Japan.
Paper presentedatthe5thCentrefor Language Studies International Conference (CLASIC).National Universityof Singapore, Singapore.
Rivers, D.J., Houghton, S.A.and Petrie, D. (2012, April).Explorationsofnative-speakerisminforeignlanguageteaching. Panel presentedatthe International Conferenceon Culturaland Linguistic Practicesinthe International University (CALPIU12).Roskilde University, Denmark.
Rivers, D.J. (2012, April).Voicesofthevoiceless: Aquestforliberationandtransformationincontext. Paper presentedatthe International Conferenceon Culturaland Linguistic Practicesinthe International University (CALPIU12).Roskilde University, Denmark.
Rivers, D.J. (2011, August).Sharingprofessionalconcernsinlanguageeducation. Workshop
presentedatthe Osaka University Extension Coursefor English Teachers. Osaka University Nakanoshima Center, Osaka, Japan.
Rivers, D.J.and Mcmillan, B.A. (2011, August).Exercisingacademicfreedom: Pursuingresearchincontentiousareasof ELT. Paper presentedatthe Japan Associationof College English Teachers (JACET)15thCommemorative International Convention.Seinan Gakuin University, Fukuoka, Japan.
Rivers, D.J.and Mcmillan, B.A. (2011, July).Censorshipandacademicfreedomin ELTresearch: Implicationsforpractitionermotivation. Paper presentedatthe Collegeand University Educators (CUE) 2011 Annual Conference.Toyo Gakuen University, Tokyo, Japan.
Rivers, D.J. (2011, July).Nationalselvesandnationalothers: Motivationalprocessesininterculturalcontexts. Paper presentedatthe Collegeand University Educators (CUE) 2011 Annual Conference.Toyo Gakuen University, Tokyo, Japan.
Rivers, D.J. (2010, December).Theroleofinterculturalcontactinforeignlanguagelearnermotivation. Paper presentedatthe4thCentrefor Language Studies International Conference (CLASIC).National Universityof Singapore, Singapore.
Rivers, D.J. (2010, July).Institutional
power and nationality-based language policy.Paper presentedatthe 10th International Conference on Knowledge,
Culture and Change in Organisations. HEC School of Commercial Studies, Montréal, Canada.
Rivers, D.J. (2010, July).An analysis
of the Global 30 project: Internationalism in Japanese higher education.Paper
presented at the 10th International Conference on Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations. Queen’s University Belfast, Northern
Rivers, D.J. and Houghton, S.A. (2010, June).The peripheralization of foreign academics in Japanese higher education.Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations. Queen’s
University Belfast, Northern Ireland.
Rivers, D.J. (2010, June).Examininginstitutionallanguagepolicythroughlearnerempowermentandawareness. Paper presentedatthe16thInternational Conferenceofthe International Associationfor Intercultural Communication Studies.South China Universityof Technology, Guangzhou, China.
Rivers, D.J. and Houghton, S.A. (2010, June).Defending against Englishlinguisticimperialismintheinternationaluniversity: Contradictions betweentheoryandpractice.
Paper presentedatthe16thInternational Conferenceofthe International Associationfor Intercultural Communication Studies.South China Universityof Technology, Guangzhou, China.
Rivers, D.J. (2010,April).Theinternationalizationof Japanesehighereducation: Implicationsfor 2012andbeyond.
Paper presentedattheInauguralAPEC-RELCInternational Seminar.Seameo Regional Language Centre, Singapore.
Rivers, D.J. (2009, November).Towardsoptimumtargetlanguageandfirstlanguageusethroughreflection. Paper Presented at the 35th JALT Annual International Conference on Language
Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Expo. Granship Shizuoka, Shizuoka, Japan.
Rivers, D.J. (2009, November).Engagingstudentswithfirstlanguagesupportedmaterials. Paper presented at the 35th JALT Annual International Conference on Language
Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Expo. Granship Shizuoka, Shizuoka, Japan.
Rivers, D.J. (2009, October).Japaneseevaluationsofaccented Englishspeech. Paper presentedatthe15thInternational AssociationofWorld Englishes Conference. Park Lane International Hotel, Cebu, Philippines.
Rivers, D.J. (2009, September).Themotivationalfactorswhichshapeintendedforeignlanguagelearningefforts. Paper presentedatthe15thInternational Associationfor Intercultural Communication Studies Conference.Kumamoto Gakuen University, Kumamoto, Japan.
Rivers, D.J.andMcmillan,B.A. (2009, September).English-mainly: Languagechoiceinlearner-to-learnerdiscourse.
Paper presentedatthe15thInternational Associationfor Intercultural Communication Studies Conference.Kumamoto Gakuen University, Kumamoto, Japan.
Rivers, D.J. (2009, August).MEXT 2013: Preparing for
the English-only language classroom. Workshop series presentedatthe Summer
English Education Seminar.Kanda Instituteof Foreign Languages, Tokyo, Japan.
Rivers, D.J.and Mcmillan, B.A. (2009, July).Firstlanguage useandembodiedcompletionintheachievementandmaintenanceofintersubjectivity. Paper presentedatthe 11th Annual International Conference of the Japanese Societyfor Language Sciences. Tokyo Denki University, Saitama, Japan.
Rivers, D.J. (2009, June).Fromknowingandrememberingtoanalyzingandresearching: Thechallengesandchanges facing Japaneseuniversityfreshmen.
Paper presentedatthe Independent Learning Association
Conference.Hong Kong Polytechnic
University, Hong Kong.
Rivers, D.J. (2009, June).Theborderlessclassroom: Quickresponsecodesandmobiletagging.
Paper presentedatthe Independent Learning Association
Conference.Hong Kong Polytechnic
University, Hong Kong.
Rivers, D.J. (2009, March).A model for
TESOL in Asia: Creating an immersion environment in Japan. Paper presented at the International Conference in Continuous Foreign
Language Teaching and Learning. North-East State University, Magadan, Russian Federation.
Rivers, D.J. (2009, January).StudentperceptionsofEFL activitiesutilizingquickresponsecodes. Paper presentedatthe3rdInternational Wireless Ready Symposiumfor Digital Technologiesin Language Education.Nagoya Universityof Commerceand Business, Nagoya, Japan.
Rivers, D.J.and Mcmillan, B.A. (2008, December).Thefunctionofthefirstlanguageinthe EFLclassroom. Paper presentedatthe3rdCentrefor Language Studies International Conference (CLASIC).National Universityof Singapore, Singapore.